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  Detection kit for viable circulating tumor cells (Green fluorescent protein assay), which provides a specific and sensitive method for detecting viable circulating tumor cells (CTCs) among more than hundred million of peripheral blood, is composed primarily of a BioTTT patented replication-selective oncolytic adenovirus expressing GFP (Ad11-5ETel-GFP). Ad11-5ETel-GFP is very sensitive to cancer cells and is capable of infecting a wide spectrum of cancer cells, thereby being specific, sensitive, and economic to apply in cancer cells detection in circulaiton blood.



  英文名:Detection kit for viable circulating tumor cells (Green fluorescent protein assay)







  Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are cells that have shed into the vasculature from a primary tumor and circulate in the bloodstream. CTCs thus could be considered a “liquid biopsy” which reveals metastasis in action, providing live information about the patient’s disease status. Analysis of blood samples found a propensity for increased CTC detection as the disease progressed in individual patients.

  To explore the application of the new adenovirus vector and improve the sensitivity to detect circulating tumor cells in the blood using replication-selective adenovirus, the Ad5 promoter of Ad11-5EP is substituted by a promoter of human telomerase gene, a reporter gene GFP was inserted into E3gp18.5 K of Ad11, and a replication-selective adenovirus (Ad11-5ETel-GFP) capable of expressing reporter genes was created by homologous recombination. As telomerase is highly expressed in 95% of human tumor cells, Ad11-5ETel-GFP selectively replicates and expresses GFP in tumor cells but has no activity in normal epithelial cells.


  Circulation Tumor Cells (CTCs) Detection Using Ad11-5ETel-GFP

  Peripheral blood cells were mixed with 0, 10, 100, and 1000 human pancreatic cancer cell line SUIT-2, respectively (an infection concentration of 100 pfu/cell). The samples were processed as described above. GFP positive cells were observed under the immunofluorescence microscope after 24 h of culturing and it demonstrated that the cancer cell line SUIT-2 is Ad11-5ETel-GFP-sensitive. The GFP-positive cells were correlated to the number of tumor cells mixed with the blood cells.








Clinical application:

  This product can be widely used in the tearly diagnosis of tumor, the screening of sensitive drugs, the evaluation of therapeutic effect, and the monitoring of tumor relapse and metastasis.

  1. Screening and early diagnosis of tumor: The importance of CTC's in modern cancer research began in the mid 1990's with the demonstration that CTC's exist early on in the course of the disease.

  2. Screening sensitive drugs and the evaluation of therapeutic effect and prognosis: CTCs level in peripheral blood in tumor patient is taken as the basis for monitoring, adjusting the treatment, and anticipating the results. The ability to monitor disease progression over time could facilitate appropriate modification to a patient's therapy, potentially improving their prognosis and quality of life.

  3. Monitoring of tumor relapse and metastasis: CTCs constitute seeds for subsequent growth of additional tumors (metastasis) in vital distant organs. Increasing of CTCs is likely to be an early sign or process of tumor relapse and metastasis.


  1. Wong HH, Jiang G,Gangerswaran R, et al. Modification of the early gene enhancer-promoterimproves the oncolytic potency of adenovirus 11. Molecular Therapy 2012, 20(2):3016-16. (doi: 10.1038/mt.2011.242)

  2. Toru K, Yuuri H,Yuichi W, et al. A simple biological imaging system for detecting viable humancirculating tumor cells. J Clin Invest 2009, 119(10): 3172-81. (doi:10.1172/JCI38609)

  3. 王尧河,姜国忠,黄汉熙,曹风雨,尼克莱蒙。溶肿瘤能力增强的B型人腺病毒AD11突变体的构建和应用。中国专利,2011,专利号:CN102260712.

  4. Kim SJ, Masago A,Tamaki Y, et al. A novel approach using telomerase-specificreplication-selective adenovirus for detection of circulating tumor cells inbreast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2011; 128: 765–73. (doi:10.1007/s10549-011-1603-2)

  5. Paterlini-Brechot P,Benali NL. Circulating tumor cells (CTC) detection: clinical impact and futuredirections. Cancer Lett 2007; 253: 180-204. (doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2006.12.014)

  6. 肖瑶, 刘双, 王增智等.重组病毒特异性检测肺癌患者外周血活性循环肿瘤细胞的临床意义[J].中华结核和呼吸杂志2019 年2月第42 卷第2期. 101-105.(doi: 10. 3760/cma.j.issn.1001?0939.2019.02.005)




  ? 首日:五个细胞及细胞团

  ? 隔三日:15个细胞及细胞团



  Male, 50. Clinical symptom indicated carcinoma with bone metastasis.

  --CTCs detection reports

  Day 0: 5 cells or cell masses in 6ml blood

  Day3: 15 cells or cell masses in 6ml blood

--Bone marrow smear report

  Day15: Demostrate cancer metastasis

  --No primary lesion was found